On caregivers, faith, family, and writing…

It’s been a busy day, and I almost forgot my Hodgepodge Wednesday post. Happy Mother’s Day to all.

1. Share something you appreciate (or something you appreciated as you were growing up) about your mother.

 Mom had lots of anxieties and insecurities, but when strength was necessary, she rose to the occasion.

2.  A quote most commonly ascribed to Plato reads “Necessity is the mother of invention.” When did this last play out in your own experience?

 It comes into play every time I try to find a creative use for leftovers. Last week I was trying to clean out my refrigerator Mom at her 90th BD partybefore a lot of food ended up on the compost pile. I ended up with a salad made with marinated sun-dried tomatoes, marinated asparagus, black olives, mixed greens, and parmesan cheese. It was delicious.

3. Share one of the earliest memories you have from childhood.

 When I was three, we moved from one small West Texas town to another. I don’t remember much about the experience except that most of the cleaning supplies ended up in the back seat with me. I thought it was hilarious to have the mop as a travel mate.

4. When did you last ‘hit the mother lode’? What was it?

 In December of last year, Anaiah Press offered me a publishing contract for my first book. My memoir titled A Long and Winding Road: A Caregiver’s Tale of Life, Love, and Chaos will be released July 1.

5. What is/was your favorite dish mom made? Do you make that dish for your family/friends now that you’re all grown up?

 Banana pudding. I don’t make it very often, and it’s never as good as hers was, but I still have the brown crockery bowl she served it in.

6. Mother May I? was at one time a popular children’s game. It required no equipment or parts to play. What was your favorite childhood game where you could just turn up and play-no gear needed?

 Red Light, Green Light or Red Rover, and when we visited my aunt and uncle and their five kids, we could always find enough interested parties to get up a good game.

7. Which TV mom (past or present) is your favorite, and why?

 I liked June Cleaver because she wasn’t taken in by Eddie Haskel’s good-boy act, but she still had the patience to put up with him.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

 Sunday will be my second Mother’s Day without Mom. Jesus called her home May 20, 2012, and I will miss her every day until I get to see her again.



Comments on: "Hodgepodge Wednesday – Mothers’ Edition | by Linda Brendle" (10)

  1. My answer to #1 is that your mom potty-trained our second son. We took both boys to Mesquite and left them with your parents while we went to the lake house. A few days later, your parents and the boys came out to join us, and Sean was potty-trained! I was VERY grateful!!!

    • Yes, she had patience when it came to things like that, and she felt confident with the little ones. Mother’s Day to you!

  2. Hi, Linda.
    Next Sunday happens to be my second Mother’s Day without Mom, too. She passed away in November, 2012. Now that Mother’s Day is just around the corner, I think of her very often these days.

    Blessings to you.

  3. So many missing their mamas on this Mother’s Day. My mom will be 84 in July and we’ll be spending Mother’s Day with her. We have plans to help clean out her basement this weekend (my sibs will be their too). She’ll be happy when its done, but the process will be a little painful I think. Congratualtions on your book deal! That’s wonderful!

    • Joyce, enjoy your weekend with your Mom. Hopefully there will be some joyful memories while you’re going through the painful process of cleaning her basement. Thank you for your kind comments about my book. It is a dream come true.

  4. Mom and I were just talking about the things she cooked when I was little…her chili was so different and so delish. I’ve tried at least 30 times to recreate it, but it’s never as good. She just shook her head and said, “I can’t help you, I can’t remember.” Bless her heart and bless yours this Mother’s Day week.

    • Thank you, Lisa. Many people wanted to recreate my grandmother’s specialties, but it was impossible. They even stood in the kitchen with her and watched, but she never used a recipe, and her only measuring tool was the palm of her hand. There’s just no way to copy magic! Happy Mother’s Day!

  5. Linda,

    Stopping over from WH. That banana pudding sounds yummy. Great post!

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