On caregivers, faith, family, and writing…

Archive for April, 2017

Making a fuss about Tatia’s Tattoo | by Linda Brendle

Cover coming soonOn March 23, I launched a crowdfunding campaign to help cover the costs of publishing my first novel. Tatia’s Tattoo is a literary Christian tale of child sex trafficking in small-town America.

The response from those who have read the manuscript has been very enthusiastic, but the response to the crowdfunding campaign – not so much. With less than two weeks left until the push for pre-orders and contributions in exchange for ebooks, print copies, and other rewards ends, I asked a more experienced friend for advice. He just completed his fourth crowdfunding effort with over 500 participants and over 100% of his goal. He generously shared many suggestions, but this is the heart of what he had to say:

My first bit of advice is – make a nuisance of yourself. We Brits really don’t like to make a fuss but you have to I’m afraid.

Most Texans don’t mind making a fuss, but I’m uncomfortable with it myself. However, I am passionate about this project, and my hope is that it will raise awareness of the problem as well as presenting some ways in which people can be involved in the solution. For that reason, I plan to stir up as much of a commotion as I can the next few days in order to fund the cost of development and copy edits, cover and interior design, typesetting, proofreading, setting up the ebook conversion, and other miscellaneous production costs.

If you would like to know more about Tatia’s Tattoo, visit my Crowdscribed book page  to read a brief synopsis of the story. Under the mock up of the book cover, you will see “Download a sample.” This is a link to the preface and first two chapters. If you would like to review the levels of support and reward, click the green “Contribute” button.

If you have any questions, email me at lindabrendle@yahoo.com, and I would be happy to answer them. I hope you will join me in this project. Together I believe we can make a difference.



Kitty – Interior Designer | by Linda Brendle

Published in the Rains County Leader on April 25, 2017:

Dining RoomSaturday morning was project time around our house. The first project was in the dining room and the second was in the bedroom – and Kitty was right in the middle of both of them.

The dining room task involved a new table and chairs, or new to us anyway. After David’s mother passed away, his sister inherited a good deal of her furniture. Sentiment only goes so far when it comes to decorating tastes, so she recently asked David if we would like to have the dining table and chairs. Since what we had was really too big for our dining area and didn’t match the built-in hutch very well, he said yes. (more…)

Tatia’s Tattoo – Trying Again | by Linda Brendle

When I reviewed yesterday’s video, I realized I lost my WiFi connection about three-quarters of the way through. So, as Paul Harvey used to say, here’s the rest of the story about Tatia’s Tattoo – The  Vision and the Inspiration.



Tatia’s Tattoo – Author Video #2 – Vision and Inspiration | by Linda Brendle



Tatia’s Tattoo Quote – Forgive Me | by Linda Brendle

Forgive me

Tatia’s Tattoo is the story of sex trafficking in small-town America. As a successful D.C. lawyer, Tatia’s mission in life was to destroy the trade. She knew where to find it. She’d been there.

This novel exposes a problem that most of us think happens only in another world. Tatia’s Tattoo will be released later this summer.

This week I need 18 more preorders to help justify production. Ebooks are $10; autographed print copies are $20. goo.gl/ZAMRjl

Together I believe we can make a difference!



Cooperation at Its Best | by Linda Brendle

Published in the Rains County Leader on April 18, 2017:

Rains_County_TexasShortly after David and I moved to Emory in February of 2011, we were told that, even though Rains is one of the smallest counties in Texas, it contains approximately twenty churches.

“That means one of two things,” quipped our guide. “Either there are a lot of religious people in Rains County or they can’t along.” (more…)

Tatia’s Tattoo Quote – Cross-Examined | by Linda Brendle

Cross Examined

Tatia’s Tattoo is a Christian novel about a young girl who is victimized by sex trafficking in small-town America. I am passionate about this project, and my hope is that it will raise awareness of the problem as well as present some ways in which people can be involved in the solution. If you would like to know more about Tatia’s Tattoo, visit my Crowdscribed book page to read a brief synopsis of the story. Under the mock up of the book cover, you will see “Download a sample.” This is a link to the preface and first two chapters. If you would like to review the levels of support and reward, click the green “Contribute” button.

I hope you will join me in this project. Together I believe we can make a difference.



Kitty – when she’s good… | by Linda Brendle

Published in the Rains County Leader on April 11, 2017:

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote a poem called “There was a little girl.” For those who don’t remember it, here’s the first verse:

There was a little girl,

And she had a little curl

Right in the middle of her forehead.

When she was good

She was very, very good,

And when she was bad she was horrid.

 That describes Kitty – not the curl, of course, but the good and the bad – especially during and after a week of being left on her own.

In case you missed my last column, David and I recently spent a week playing with Spike, our big dog friend. Kitty doesn’t go with us when we house sit, because she was not very well behaved the last time she visited. She’s very self reliant at home as long as we leave her with a clean litter box and a full bowl. Apparently, though, she get’s lonely.

After taking care of Spike’s needs each morning, David would drop me off at the church, and he would go to the house, check the mail, and tend to Kitty’s needs. Even though she’s still somewhat anti-social, being alone for most of the time made her much more friendly. She rubbed against David’s legs, almost tripping him up more than once, and she jumped up on the couch next to him. She even tolerated being picked up and held in his lap, sometimes for as long as a minute or two.

David is still Kitty’s favorite, but when our house sitting gig was over and we both returned home, she was even affectionate to me. She would jump up on my ottoman several times a day and stand still while I petted her, and she tolerated being brushed once in a while. Every night I wake up with her sleeping at my feet instead of just every now and then. Believe it or not, I have even been allowed to scratch her neck from time to time.

That’s the good part. The bad part is that she learned a new way to get into mischief while she was home alone.

The first clue I noticed was a dead bug or two and some bits of other twiggy-looking things on the stove and surrounding countertop. It had been windy, so I assumed I was seeing debris that had been blown down the exhaust fan (country roofs get very dirty). Nothing else on the cabinet had been disturbed, so no other possibility occurred to me. Then, one day I walked into the kitchen and knew something wasn’t right.

Our kitchen cabinets stop about a foot shy of the ceiling, and there is a small strip of molding around the top. The molding is strictly decorative  and it’s not expected that there will be any traffic way up there, so it’s only held on by a couple of staples and some glue. That day, however, the strip on the cabinet beside the sink wasn’t being held in place by much of anything except one lone staple. It was suspended at a crazy angle, resting against an angel that hangs on the side of the cabinet. I pointed it out to David, and we both knew immediately what had caused it. (Apparently, the molding hides dead bugs and other twiggy things, too.)

That night, David and I were in bed reading when I heard an unfamiliar sound from the kitchen. It took a few seconds for the sound to penetrate past the plot of the latest thriller that had my attention. When it finally did, I put down my book and listened.

“That sounded like a cat jumping up on the cabinets,” I said.

Either David’s book is much more engrossing than mine or he has never listened with a parent’s ears. “What?” he said.

I climbed out of bed and headed for the kitchen. I flipped on the light, and there she was, staring down at me from her perch several feet above the countertops, and looking very pleased with herself. I hurried back to the bedroom and grabbed the squirt bottle full of water that we use for disciplinary purposes. Back in the kitchen, I didn’t see her at first, but then she peeked out from behind the canning pot that stays above the microwave. My first shot caught her in the face, and she backtracked to the corner. I hit her with several more good squirts before she jumped down to the stovetop and took off for parts unknown.

I didn’t hear much out of her for the rest of the night, but by morning, she was waiting by the food bowl for her breakfast. Since then, I’ve seen a bit more dust on the countertop a couple of times, but she has saved her antics for her alone times, so there’s not much I can do. Besides, she’s still being pretty good most of the time, and I’ll settle for that.



Tatia’s Tattoo Quote – Arrested | by Linda Brendle

Human trafficking is one of the three largest illegal industries in the world  – experts disagree on whether it is second or third. Over a million children each year fall victim to traffickers.

Tatia’s Tattoo is a novel about human sex trafficking in small-town America. To help share her story, click over to my book page at Crowdscribed and pre-order an ebook for just $10 or a signed paperbook for $20. Be a part of the solution!


Tatia’s Tattoo is a novel about human sex trafficking in small-town America. Human trafficking is one of the three largest illegal industries in the world  – experts disagree on whether it is second or third. Over a million children each year fall victim to traffickers.

Have you pre-ordered your copy of Tatia’s Tattoo? You can visit my book page at Crowdscribed  and order an ebook for $10 or an autographed paperback for $20. Be a part of the solution!



Tatia’s Tattoo Quote – Broken Glass | by Linda Brendle

Human trafficking is one of the three largest illegal industries in the world  – experts disagree on whether it is second or third. Over a million children each year fall victim to traffickers.

Tatia’s Tattoo is a novel about human sex trafficking in small-town America. To help share her story, click over to my book page at Crowdscribed and pre-order an ebook for just $10 or a signed paperbook for $20. Be a part of the solution!

broken glass

